2021 Presentations
Presenter | Affiliation | Presentation Title |
Kevin Kim | Mississippi State University | Ag Lending Outlook |
Alejandro Gutierrez-Li | North Carolina State University | Labor Outlook |
Justin Benavidez | Texas A&M University | Sheep and Goat Outlook |
Amanda Smith | University of Georgia | Production Input Outlook |
Joe Outlaw Rusty Rumley | Texas A&M University National Ag Law Center | Carbon Markets |
Ron Rainey | University of Arkansas | SRMEC and Southern Ag Today Update |
Yanshu Li | University of Georgia | Forestry Outlook |
Mykel Taylor | Auburn University | Land Values and Lease Rates Outlook |
Paul Goeringer | University of Maryland | Legal Outlook |
Andrew Griffith | University of Tennessee | Hay & Forage Outlook |
Tyler Cozzens | LMIC | Pork Outlook |
Dennis Brother | Auburn University | Poultry Outlook |
Kenny Burdine | University of Kentucky | Dairy Outlook |
James Mitchell | University of Arkansas | Beef Outlook |
David Anderson Josh Maples | Texas A&M University Mississippi State University | Price Discovery and Transparency in Livestock Markets |
Bart Fischer | Texas A&M University | Domestic Policy Outlook |
Lius Ribera Andrew Muhammad | Texas A&M University University of Tennessee | Transportation and Agricultural Trade Discussion Transportation and Agricultural Trade Discussion |
Samuel Zapata | Texas A&M University | Specialty Crop Outlook |
Alicia Rhin | University of Tennessee | Greenhouse/Turf Outlook |
Mark Welch | Texas A&M University | Corn and Sorghum Outlook |
Aaron Smith | University of Tennessee | Soybean Outlook |
Pancho Abello | Texas A&M University | Wheat Outlook |
Will Maples | Mississippi State University | Cotton Outlook |
Wendiam Sawadgo Adam Rabinowitz | Auburn University Auburn University | Peanut Outlook |
Brian Mills | Mississippi State University | Rice Outlook |